For the production of our Cigaronne range, we use freshly harvested high-quality tobacco from the most reputable Latin American and African plantations. A bouquet of American Blend is acquired from the most outstanding varieties of tobacco, with a predominance of Virginia and hints of a cigar. The Cigaronne range incorporates its famous triple combined perlite filter and is quite light, full of taste and has no unpleasant aftertaste.
With its soft-touch packaging surface, and unique filter with a design that prevents the lips from sticking to the filter while smoking, this American Blend bouquet originates from the most reputable South American and African plantations, and has a mild spicy taste. Cigarettes with an original filter mouthpiece.
For our Center range, we use South American high-quality tobacco, refined with our innovative conditioning technology. A bouquet of American Blend is made from the best varieties of tobacco, rich in taste and strength. Features original filter mouthpiece.
SPS シガロン カンパニーは、経験豊富な愛好家と上級グループの消費者の両方を対象に、革命的なタトゥー シガリロのシリーズを発表します。 この葉巻は、世界中で広まっているフレーバー シガリロのトレンド革命に加わります。 バニラ、チョコレート、チェリーのフレーバーのシガリロをご紹介します。